The Dream

Behind the Mask [Bangtan]
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Zhen and Song Yi had trekked back down to the garage and collected the last of the boxes from her car. There weren’t many, since Zhen had so few belongings, but they’d taken their time so they could talk. 

“They seem really nice, Zhen.” Song Yi said, taking most of Zhen’s things from her, even though Zhen protested. “And it was really nice of Cho Hee to buy me dinner.”

Zhen nodded. “We weren’t going to get anything until after we’d already unpacked and everything. I think she feels bad that you might not have had anything to eat.”

“She does realize that I’m a very successful show host who can pay for her own food, right?”

Zhen smiled. “Yes, but that doesn’t mean that she didn’t feel like you weren’t eating enough. I mean, you heard her. She thinks I’m starved.”

“You are starved.” Song Yi joked, and Zhen shook her head. Zhen held open the door for Song Yi, who was carrying more, and then the two started up towards her room. Cho Hee and Dae Hyun had decidedly left them alone so they could unpack in peace.

Zhen opened her bedroom door and the two girls moved into the space, setting down everything they had on the floor. The room was already furnished, with a large bed in the center of the room, a desk with a desktop computer, and a few bookshelves strewn about the room. The space was enormous, and there were doors that led out to a very small balcony, large enough for a small table and two chairs. Zhen liked it. “How’s the show?”

Song Yi laughed. “Why do you ask? I know you’ve watched it.” Zhen nodded. She always watched Song Yi’s show, repeats or not, to support her. “How’s model life?”

Zhen sighed and sat on the ground, starting to go through her things. “It’s getting to be a nuisance.”

Song Yi grabbed one of Zhen’s pictures and moved to prop it on the headboard over her bed. “What do you mean?”

Zhen started with her clothes, pulling them onto her lap and folding them again, making sure the folds were perfect. “I don’t know. I don’t really like it anymore. I mean, I never really cared for it to begin with.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I did it because it seemed like fun, and then it wasn’t. I stuck around because I didn’t want Mallory to be at it alone, but I’d rather be taking pictures and stuff.”

Song Yi nodded. “I understand. It was a big decision to make, when you were thirteen. I mean, no one said you had to be at it for life.” She turned to Zhen. “Does that mean that you’re going to quit?”

Zhen dropped the jeans she was folding into her lap and frowned. “I’m not entirely sure yet.”

There was a knock on the door, and Zhen shouted for the person to enter. Cho Hee opened the door and smiled. “Hey girls. Do you think you can put the unpacking on hold so I can drive you home, Zhen Ai?”

Zhen looked to Song Yi, and then down at her hands. “Actually,” She started, and Cho Hee perked up. “I was wondering if maybe I could stay here for the night. I think it’s appropriate that I start actually living with my foster family. I mean, it’s been a week, and I think it’s time, especially with me starting school this Monday.”

Cho Hee gasped, smiling, and then composed herself. “Of course! Of course! But maybe you should call Mallory and tell her you’re not going back to her apartment tonight.”

Zhen nodded and Cho Hee looked to Song Yi, and then back to Zhen. “I’ll leave you two to it then.” She said, closing the door. Not two seconds had passed after the door closed that Zhen could hear Cho Hee excitedly shout “Honey!”

“You just made her life.” Song Yi said, looking over her shoulder at Zhen as she shifted the picture frame around.

Zhen smiled. It was the least she could do, after they’d offered their entire home, their time and anything she wanted. She needed to stop nursing her wounds and move on. And she knew it.


She was in that car again. The car that her parents died in. Zhen hadn’t been there when her parents were killed, but she always somehow found her way into it in her dreams. She sat in the backseat, looking towards the front. She could see herself in the rearview mirror, but every time her father looked up and into the mirror, he couldn’t see her.

“I hope she’s surprised to see us.” Her mother gushed, squeezing the teddy she held against her chest tightly. Zhen knew it was for her. The bear was in one of the evidence bags that the police had just so happened to let her see. Her mom was holding it even though she’d passed.

Zhen’s father grinned. “Of course she’ll be surprised,” Zhen saw the flash of headlights as the semi truck on the other side of the road began to lose control. “She has no clue we’re coming back to get her-”

“Dad! Dad, turn the car!” Zhen screamed, shooting forward and reaching for her father. She somehow moved right through them. “Daddy! Daddy please! Listen to me! Turn! Turn the car left! Turn into the other lane, and towards those trees.”

“I hope you’re right.” Her mother said, still smiling, as t

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BTM || nothing. but updating and wanting my vacation soon


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Chapter 4: Mallory my girl just hiding your appearance won't hide your identity. You gotta hide your distinctive personality also
For real though third chapter and they have already been found out smh
yurinature #2
Chapter 75: In the end what gift was Ai talking about?
Ilovekpop1437 #3
I love your story so much! I've been reading this story ever since this morning. It's hard finding a lot of good BTS's stories. This story is just amazing. I just love it. I usually don't like to read stories with a tons of chapters but I actually read all of this. I was wondering, did you ever make a sequel or anything to this towards the end? I couldn't find anything. Anyways I would love to read your other stories! Loves, xoxo (:
TalosBlade #4
Chapter 76: I cried. I cried a lot. Happy tears though
Chapter 22: i really love your story omg im so glad i found your story authornim /hugs you tightly/
teentopbapshineefx #6
Chapter 2: Hi I just want you to know that I'm going to talk to you tomorow and Je vais vous parler demain is not really the same thing in this concept she's talking to her brother so using vous is way too formal. It wil be better if you say Je vais te parler demain or on se parle demain. And you can't really use adieu either cause it's like a final goodbye like you are never gonna talk to them. Since she's french from France I think saying au revoir is more appropriate. So yeah... I just want to friendly inform you :) oh and google translation is rarelly right when it's for english to french !! :)
Chapter 74: Sigh.....I hopw she isn't pregnant
Chapter 73: OMG! She's gonna get pregnant!
Chapter 72: Getting feisty aren't we:)